Undergraduate or high school teacher advisees are underlined
Books and Book Chapters
Cothran R., M. Thiel. 2020. The Natural History of Crustacea: Reproductive Biology vol. VI. Oxford University Press, New York.Cothran R. 2020. Sexual Selection and Sexual Conflict in Crustaceans. Pages 305-331 in R. Cothran and M. Thiel editors The Natural History of Crustacea: Reproductive Biology vol. VI. Oxford University Press, New York.
Vogt, G., R. Cothran, M.M.J. Tan, M. Thiel. 2020. Crustacean Reproductive Records. Pages 526-553 in R. Cothran and M. Thiel editors The Natural History of Crustacea: Reproductive Biology vol. VI Oxford University Press, New York.
Wellborn, G. A., R. D. Cothran. 2007. Evolution and ecology of mating behavior in freshwater amphipods. In E. Duffy and M. Thiel, editors. Evolutionary ecology of social and sexual systems: crustaceans as model organisms. Cambridge University Press.
Peer Reviewed Articles
Statton, A. D., R. D. Cothran. 2024. Prey preferences for three aquatic hemipterans provide insights about their coexistence. Journal of Insect Behavior. 18:1-8.
Cothran, R. D., A. Stiff, D. Schmidenberg, G. Wellborn, R. Relyea. Effects of density on the strength of sexual selection in the lab and in nature. 2023. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society https://doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blad076.
Mercer, A., R. Cothran. 2021. Interspecific competition affects resource use by three cryptic freshwater species of Hyalella Smith, 1874 (Amphipoda: Hyalellidae). The Journal of Crustacean Biology 41: auab019
Jones, D., J. Hua, B. Mattes, R. Cothran, J. Hoverman, R. Relyea. 2021. Predator- and competitor-induced responses in 15 amphibian populations that differ in evolved pesticide tolerance. Ecological Applications e02305.
Cothran, R.D., P.J. Monahan, R.A. Relyea. 2021. Antipredator behaviour affected by prey condition, food availability and pH-mediated info-disruption. Animal Behaviour 171:111–118.
Hernández O., S.J.A. Kimble, J. Hua, V.P. Wuerthner, D.K. Jones, B.M. Mattes, R.D. Cothran, R.A. Relyea, G.A. Meindl, J.T. Hoverman. 2019. Local adaptation of MHC class IIβ gene in populations of wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) correlates with proximity to agriculture. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 73, 197-204.
Hua J., V. P. Wuerthner, D. K. Jones, B. Mattes, R. D. Cothran, R. A. Relyea, J. T. Hoverman. 2017. Evolved pesticide tolerance influences susceptibility to parasites in amphibians. Evolutionary Applications 10, 802-812.
Goos J. M., R. D. Cothran, P. D. Jeyasingh. 2017. Within population variation in the chemistry of life: the stoichiometry of sexual dimorphism in multiple dimensions. Evolutionary Ecology 31, 635-651.
Jones D., D. Trang, J. Urbina, R. Bendis, J. Buck, R. Cothran, A. Blaustein, R. Relyea. 2017. Effect of simultaneous amphibian exposure to pesticides and an emerging fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Environmental Science and Technology 51, 671-679.
Goos J.M., R. D. Cothran, P. D. Jeyasingh. 2016. Sex-specific nutrient use and preferential allocation of resources to a sexually selected trait in Hyalella amphipods. Journal of Experimental Biology 219, 649-657.
Bradley, P. W., S. S. Gervasi, J. Hua, R. D. Cothran, R. A. Relyea, D. O. Olson, A. R. Blaustein. 2015. Differences in sensitivity to the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis among amphibian populations. Conservation Biology 29, 1347-1356.
Hua, J., D. K. Jones, B. M. Mattes, R. D. Cothran, R. A. Relyea J. T. Hoverman. 2015. Evolved pesticide tolerance in amphibians: Predicting mechanisms based on pesticide novelty and mode of action. Environmental Pollution 206, 56-63.
Hua, J., D. K. Jones, B. M. Mattes, R. D. Cothran, R. A. Relyea, J. T. Hoverman. 2015. The contribution of phenotypic plasticity to the evolution of insecticide tolerance in amphibian populations. Evolutionary Applications 8, 586-596.
Wellborn, G. A., J. D. S. Witt, R. D. Cothran. 2015. Chapter 31. Class Malacostraca, Superorders Peracarida and Syncarida. Pages 781-796. In J. Thorp, C. Rogers, and K. Tockner, editors. Thorp and Covich’s Freshwater Invertebrates, Volume 1: Ecology and General Biology. Academic Press.
Snell-Rood, E., R. D. Cothran, A. Espeset, S. Hobbie, P. D. Jeyasingh, N. I. Morehouse. 2015. Life history evolution in the anthropocene: effects of increasing nutrients on traits and tradeoffs. Evolutionary Applications 8, 635-649.
Cothran, R. D., B. J. French, and R. A. Relyea. 2015. An assessment of putative sexually antagonistic traits in a freshwater amphipod species. Ethology 121, 740-748.
Cothran, R. D. 2015. The importance of reproductive interference in ecology and evolution: from organisms to communities. Population Ecology 57, 339-341.
Cothran, R. D., P. Noyes, R. A. Relyea. 2015. An empirical test of stable coexistence in an amphipod species complex. Oecologia 178, 819-831.
Cothran RD, S. S. Gervasi, C. Murray, B. J. French, P. W. Bradley, J. Urbina, A. R. Blaustein, R. A. Relyea 2015. Carotenoids and amphibians: effects on life history and susceptibility to the infectious pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Conservation Physiology 3: doi:10.1093/conphys/cov005.
Cothran, R. D. A. B. Stoler, R. A. Relyea. 2014. Leaves and litterbugs: How litter quality affects amphipod life history and sexually selected traits. Freshwater Science 33, 812-819.
Hoverman, J. T., R. D. Cothran, R. A. Relyea. 2014. Generalist versus specialist strategies of plasticity: snail responses to predators that have different foraging modes. Freshwater Biology 59, 1101-1112.
Goos, J. M., R. D. Cothran, P. D. Jeyasingh. 2014. Subtle variation in phosphorus availability influences mating biology in Hyalella (Amphipoda: Hyalellidae) amphipods. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 111, 878-888.
Jeyasingh, P. D., R. D. Cothran, M. Tobler. 2014. Testing the ecological consequences of evolutionary change using elements. Ecology and Evolution 4, 528-538.
Goos, J. M., B. J. French, R. A. Relyea, R. D. Cothran, and P. D. Jeyasingh. 2014. Sex-specific variation in somatic phosphorus content of two freshwater amphipod species. Hydrobiologia 722, 93-102.
Cothran, R. D., A. R. Stiff, K. Chapman, G. A. Wellborn and R. A. Relyea. 2013. Reproductive interference via interspecific pairing in an amphipod species complex. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1357-1367.
Cothran, R. D., K. A. Henderson, D. Schmidenberg, and R. A. Relyea. 2013. Phenotypically similar but ecologically distinct: Differences in competitive ability and predation risk among amphipods. Oikos 122, 1429-1440.
Cothran, R. D., J. M. Brown, and R. A. Relyea. 2013. Proximity to agriculture is correlated with pesticide tolerance: evidence for the evolution of amphibian resistance to modern pesticides Evolutionary Applications 6, 832-841.
Hua, J., R. D. Cothran, A. B. Stoler, R. A. Relyea. 2013. Cross resistance in amphibians: Wood frog (Lithobates sylvatica) mortality when exposed to three insecticides with a common mode of action. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32, 932-936.
Cothran, R. D., K. Chapman, A. R. Stiff, and R. A. Relyea. 2012. “Cryptic” direct benefits of mate choice: choosy females experience reduced predation risk. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66, 905-913.
Cothran, R. D., A. R. Stiff, P. D. Jeyasingh, and R. A. Relyea. 2012. Eutrophication and predation risk affect sexual trait expression and mating success. Evolution 66, 708-719.
Cothran, R. D., F. Radarian, and R. A. Relyea. 2011. Altering aquatic food webs with a global insecticide: arthropod-amphibian links in aquatic communities. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30, 893-912.
Cothran, R. D., P. D. Jeyasingh. 2010. Condition dependence of a sexually selected trait in a crustacean species complex: importance of the ecological context. Evolution 64, 2523-2546.
Cothran, R. D., A. Kuzmic, G. A. Wellborn, and R. A. Relyea. 2010. Phenotypic manipulation provides insights into the evolution a sexually selected trait in a crustacean species complex. Animal Behaviour 80, 543-549.
Cothran, R. D., R. Greco, R. A. Relyea. 2010. No evidence that a common pesticide affects female mate choice in a freshwater crustacean. Environmental Toxicology 25: 310-314.Cothran, R. D. 2008. Direct and indirect fitness consequences of mate choice in a crustacean. Evolution 62, 1666-1675.
Cothran, R. D. 2008. Phenotypic manipulation reveals sexual conflict over precopula duration. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62 1409-1416.
Cothran, R. D. 2008. The mechanistic basis of a large male mating advantage in two freshwater amphipod species. Ethology 114 1145-1153.
Wellborn, G. A., R. D. Cothran. 2007. Niche diversity in crustacean cryptic species: complementarity in spatial distribution and predation risk. Oecologia, 154, 175-183.
Wellborn, G. A., R. Cothran, S. Bartholf. 2005. Life history and diversification in regional ecomorphs of the Hyalella azteca species complex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 84, 161-175.
Cothran, R. D. 2004. Precopulatory mate guarding increases predation risk for two freshwater amphipod species. Animal Behaviour 68, 1133-1138.
Wellborn G. A., R. D. Cothran. 2004. Analysis of phenotypic similarity and differentiation among sympatric cryptic species in an amphipod species complex: implications for coexistence and evolution of phenotypic similarity. Freshwater Biology 49, 1-13.
Technical Reports
Cothran, R. D. 2023. A survey for Triaenodes tridontus (Leptoceridae) in SE Oklahoma. Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund, Traditional Conservation Grant Program. Federal Aid Grant No. F21AP03618 (E-95-R-1). Grant Period January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.
Cothran, R. D., P. Grant, E. Bergey. 2019. A survey of rare mayfly and caddisfly species of greatest conservation need. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife and Conservation State Wildlife Grant Program. Federal Aid Grant No. F16AF01215 OK-T-93-R-1. Grant Period