Current Lab Members

Dr. Rickey Cothran
I'm an ecologist that studies aquatic ecosystems. My students and I work in a variety of freshwater systems from small springs to large reservoirs and natural lakes. We ask questions in the areas of behavioral ecology, community ecology and evolutionary ecology.

Joseph Alcuitas
Joseph is studying how mate quality affects offspring sex ratios in amphipods.
Casady Sublett
Casady is surveying streams in SE OK for the elusive three-tooth longhorn caddisfly (Triaenodes tridontus).

Rachel Uhlig
Rachel is exploring how mate choice affects offspring sex ratios in amphipods.
Madison Normile
Madison is exploring how seasonality affects mating patterns in amphipod populations.
Lab Alumni

Shanna Simmons
Shanna explored how female diet affects the outcome of sexual conflict over precopulatory mate guarding. She is a graduate of the PharmD program at SWOSU.
Dr. Ashna Dhoonmoon

Ashna's research centered on understanding how population parameters affect the costs associated with sexual conflict in amphipods. Ashna earned a PhD at Penn State Hershey and is currently a postdoc at Penn State College of Medicine.

Sinthia Youmbi
Sinthia addressed how predator cues affect the mating behaivor of amphipods. Sinthia is pursuing medical school.

Bailee Fehring, DVM
Bailee studied how male attractiveness affects brood sex ratios in amphipods. Bailee is a graduate of Oklahoma State College of Veterinary Medicine.

David Castellanos
David studied animal personality in amphipods.

Allison Statton
Allison studied the foraging preferences of aquatic hemipterans. She is now an adjunct chemistry instructor at Mid-American Christian College.

Lindsey Hendricks
Lindsey explored how very low concentrations of pesticides, that are typically found in nature, affect the growth, survival and development of amphipods. Lindsey is a CNA in western OK.

Arissa Mercer
Arissa studied resource competition among cryptic species of amphipods. She is now pursing a Ph.D. in microbiology at Tulane.

Denton Parsells
Denton studied how cultural eutrophication affects sexual selection in amphipod populations. Denton is in medical school at the University of Arkansas, Fort Smith.

Shayla Miller
Shayla studied how female diet affects the resolution of sexual conflict in amphipods. She is currently attending OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Brendan Harrison
Brendan studied the population-level consequences of sexual conflict in amphipods. He is currently General Manager for New Western.

Ryan Agyemang
Ryan studied how mate quality affects offspring sex ratios in amphipods.

Chandler Ake
Chandler studied how predation affects mating decisions in amphipods.

Connor Slattery
Connor explored local adaptation and phenotypic plasticity in spring amphipod populations. He is currently considering graduate school options.

Paulina Mujica
Paulina studied how sexual conflict affects resource use in freshwater amphipods.